Er is geen perfecte begin met het ondernemen. Het belangrijkste is, dat je moet beginnen. Doe iets wat je leuk vindt en niet iets wat je denkt dat je heel snel veel geld ermee kan verdienen.Want als je iets doet, waarvan je houdt en plezier mee hebt,zal dat de reden zijn dat je niet snel opgeeft.
No perfect beginning.
SIXTYNINER is a clothing brand based in Suriname and is a part of the SIXTYNINER DESIGN STUDIOS. We create our own clothing pieces and we can also create designs for third parties.
S I X T Y N I N E R ; At first one will think of something sexual, but that’s OK, cuz we are humans and it’s in our system.But if you free your mind you will see a lot more than just a symbol. Draw the SIX as the same as the NINE (69) you will see that everything is even. That’s the only thing we got to fight for to have a peaceful world. One got to give in order to get . Your life depends on how you see others and treat others.That’s why you got to choose your lifestyle! You can go in every direction with the name. It takes only your imagination to give meaning to it. And with love and respect SIXTYNINER will stand tall in this society. To all those who wondered what it means I ask to choose wisely your lifestyle in life. Thanx for the support.